Anchor Grants

Anchor Grants aid truly needy members of Delta Gamma, including members who find themselves in financial distress, emergency or crisis through aging, medical or other severe personal or family problems. A written financial statement and statement as to the reasons for need will be obtained from each applicant prior to any financial help being instituted. Three letters of reference must also be submitted to the Anchor Grant Committee. Two of the letters must be from Delta Gamma alumnae and one must be from an individual such as a doctor or member of the clergy who is knowledgeable about the member’s needs and reason for applying. All letters must be signed, dated and include the current phone number and address of the writer.
To apply for an Anchor Grant, you must be an initiated Delta Gamma member and in good standing with the Fraternity. Anchor Grants cannot be used to pay sorority dues or study abroad. If you are a collegiate member of Delta Gamma and would like to apply for financial assistance or learn more visit Anchor Grants.
For questions, contact Kathleen Kirby at kathleen@deltagamma.org or call 1.800.644.5414.